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COG category: Coenzyme transport and metabolism
Genomic element: ET2XIPL01CNAVH-3

Number of genes found: 6

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Dictyostelium fasciculatum, SH3
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
g6718 DFA_06972 ET2XIPL01CNAVH-3 CDS348349 597 - 0.355109
g6720 DFA_06974 ET2XIPL01CNAVH-3 CDS350290 1293 - 0.334107
g6831 DFA_07098 ET2XIPL01CNAVH-3 CDS643005 1461 - 0.420945
g6942 DFA_07215 ET2XIPL01CNAVH-3 CDS939608 1326 - 0.401207
g7035 DFA_07309 ET2XIPL01CNAVH-3 CDS1180966 954 - 0.375262
g7065 DFA_07336 ET2XIPL01CNAVH-3 CDS1237601 1269 + 0.34673